My Books
Cult Life (Pedlar Press, 2020)
Shortlisted for the 2021 ReLit Awards
The Victoria Butler Book Prize, 2021
Disassembling A Dancer (Raven Chapbooks, 2021)
Winner of the Raven Chapbooks Award.
150 hand-bound limited-edition copies
Earlier Books

Merlin's Rip
(launched at the University of Victoria, 2011)
A long poem, first long-listed for the CBC Poetry Awards, and then shortlisted for The Malahat Review's Long Poem Prize
(out of print)
POEM: "Found Objects" published in The Malahat Review, and part of this sequence.

Silver Nitrate Eye
(limited edition chapbook, 2010)
work included in Prairie Fire Journal, Room Magazine and Hecate (Australia), selected for the anthology Best New Poets (Meridian, USA), and shortlisted for Prism International's Poetry Contest
(out of print)
POEM: "Eversion" , published in Room Magazine and then selected for Best New Poets

The books arrive from Coach House Press,
Feb 14th, 2020

Front-facing and a Staff Pick
at Munro's Books
and shortlisted for the 2021
Victoria Butler Book Prize

The books arrive from Salt Spring Island, June 11th, 2021